Deepika Kumari Slams Gold

BTC News Sports Desk: Star Archer of India, Deepika Kumari slams gold medal along with Ankita Bhakta and Komalika  Bari in World Cup Stage 3 on Sunday. In the absence of World No.1, it was easy for them to grab the medals as they faced little challenge.
India topped the medals tally with four gold medals as Abhishek Verma had clinched the solitary top medal in the compound section on Saturday.
In a repeat of the World Cup first stage final where they struggled to clinch the gold, the trio this time did not even drop a set to win their second world title in two months.
News is being sent by BTC News (Bangladesh) North 24 Parganas (Kolkata) correspondent, Tathyik Bhattacharya. #

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