Kolkata (India) correspondent: West Bengal Govt. relaxes more covid-19 restrictions and allowed operation of museums,parks and historical venues with 50%capacity. The Science City of Kolkata had 502 visitors on first day.Indian Museum reopened on Tuesday after a gap of 90 days. On the first day, 271 visitors toured the 27 galleries of the oldest and richest historical treasures of in India.
Victoria Memorial also opened on Wednesday. It will remain open from 11 am to 6pm.After proper sanitisation and following covid-19 regulations, visitors will be allowed to enter.
The Evening Buzz also found in two iconic restaurants on Park Street – Peter Cat and Mocambo – both the establishments were full.Restaurant Authority said ‘we are excited. Evening is the most crucial time for us. I am hopeful that the relaxed deadline will help us do better business and it was become evident from days itself.’
These relaxations helper people to lead their normal life, meeting up with people but also they need to take precautions in order to stop the growth of the virus.
News is being sent by BTC News (Bangladesh) Kolkata (India) correspondent. Swapan Dev.
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